Artesano Del Tobacco, a boutique cigar company that has redefined the art of cigar smoking through passion and flavor. Founded by Billy and Gus Fakih 30 years ago, Artesano Del Tobacco has emerged as a prominent player in the industry, offering a range of premium cigars that cater to aficionados around the world.
The journey of Artesano Del Tobacco began in Manhattan, where the Fakih brothers started their small shop, New York Cigar Inn. After selling their business to Casa De Montecristo in 2015, they ventured to Nicaragua, Esteli, to collaborate with renowned blender AJ Fernandez in crafting their exceptional blends. The result is a collection of cigars like Viva La Vida and El Pulpo, each showcasing meticulous craftsmanship and a unique flavor profile that sets them apart in the market.
Viva La Vida, with its silky Habano Oscuro 2000 wrapper and Criollo 98 filler tobaccos, offers a luxurious smoking experience. On the other hand, El Pulpo, featuring a Mexican San Andres wrapper, delivers a robust flavor profile with notes of coffee, leather, caramel, and dark chocolate. Artesano Del Tobacco also offers Ojo Corojo Cigars, further diversifying their range with a Corojo wrapper and Nicaragua filler and binder.
Artesano Del Tobacco’s dedication to excellence and commitment to delivering top-notch products have positioned them as a leading boutique cigar company in the industry. Their success and expansion into international markets are a testament to their passion for crafting exceptional cigars for enthusiasts worldwide.
I invite you to explore the exquisite range of cigars offered by Artesano Del Tobacco and experience the art, passion, and flavor that sets them apart in the world of cigars.
Viva la Vida, created by Artesano del Tabaco and cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez, the cigars are rolled in Nicaragua from an all-Nicaraguan blend.